Chimera states, representing a spontaneous break-up of a population of identical oscillators that are identically coupled, into sub-populations displaying synchronized and desynchronized behaviour, have traditionally been found to exist in weakly coupled systems and with some form of nonlocal coupling between the oscillators. Here we show that neither the weak-coupling approximation nor nonlocal coupling are essential conditions for their existence. We obtain for the first time amplitudemediated chimera states in a system of globally coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau oscillators. We delineate the dynamical origins for the formation of such states from a bifurcation analysis of a reduced model equation and also discuss the practical implications of our discovery of this broader class of chimera states.PACS numbers: 05.45. Ra, 05.45.Xt, The spontaneous break-up of a system of identical oscillators, that are identically coupled, into sub-groups of oscillators with different synchronous properties is a fascinating collective phenomenon that was first reported by Kuramoto and Battogtokh[1] and has since been the subject of many investigations . This spatio-temporal pattern of co-existing synchronous and de-synchronous oscillations, named as a chimera state by Abrams and Strogatz [3], has also been experimentally demonstrated in a number of laboratory systems [31][32][33][34][35][36]. The natural manifestation of this state can be seen in such phenomena as unihemispherical sleep in many animals [37,38] where the awake side of the brain shows desynchronized electrical activity, whereas the sleeping side is highly synchronized [8] or in the human brain when in certain regions the neuronal activity gets highly synchronized during epileptic seizures [39] or damage due to Parkinson's disease [40]. In model studies mentioned above chimera states have been found in phase only oscillator systems and in the presence of a nonlocal coupling between the oscillators. This has given rise to a general notion that a weak coupling approximation (implying phase only oscillators) and nonlocal coupling are two essential ingredients for the existence of a chimera state. In a recent work [41] we have demonstrated that the weak coupling approximation is not critical and a more generalized version of the chimera state that includes amplitude effects can be a collective state of the nonlocal complex GinzburgLandau equation (NLCGLE). These amplitude-mediated chimeras (AMCs) can exist as stationary or travelling patterns and show intermittent emergence and decay of amplitude dips in the phase incoherent regions. The next question that naturally arises is whether the nonlocality in the coupling can also be relaxed and whether chimera states can form through other forms of coupling in a system of oscillators. In this paper we address this issue and show for the first time that the amplitude-mediated * e-mail: chimera state can emerge even in a globally coupled system of oscillators. We discover these states from a numerical...