All cells possess transmembrane signaling systems that function in the environment of the lipid bilayer. In the Escherichia coli chemotaxis pathway, the binding of attractants to a two-dimensional array of receptors and signaling proteins simultaneously inhibits an associated kinase and stimulates receptor methylation-a slower process that restores kinase activity. These two opposing effects lead to robust adaptation toward stimuli through a physical mechanism that is not understood. Here, we provide evidence of a counterbalancing influence exerted by receptor density on kinase stimulation and receptor methylation. Receptor signaling complexes were reconstituted over a range of defined surface concentrations by using a template-directed assembly method, and the kinase and receptor methylation activities were measured. Kinase activity and methylation rates were both found to vary significantly with surface concentration-yet in opposite ways: samples prepared at high surface densities stimulated kinase activity more effectively than low-density samples, whereas lower surface densities produced greater methylation rates than higher densities. FRET experiments demonstrated that the cooperative change in kinase activity coincided with a change in the arrangement of the membrane-associated receptor domains. The counterbalancing influence of density on receptor methylation and kinase stimulation leads naturally to a model for signal regulation that is compatible with the known logic of the E. coli pathway. Density-dependent mechanisms are likely to be general and may operate when two or more membrane-related processes are influenced differently by the two-dimensional concentration of pathway elements.biological cooperativity ͉ methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein ͉ signal transduction ͉ liposome ͉ phosphorylation T he signaling pathway that mediates chemotaxis in Escherichia coli-like many systems-consists of transmembrane and membrane-associated proteins that function in the two-dimensional (2D) space of the lipid bilayer, where clustering, allostery, and cooperative interactions may all contribute to the regulation of signaling (1, 2). Studies of E. coli have shown that chemoreceptors, the adaptor protein, CheW (W), and the histidine kinase, CheA (A), form 2D arrays that are remarkable for the large number of receptors involved and their location at the cell poles (3-6). The ligand-binding domains of the homologous chemoreceptors endow the array with responsiveness toward specific attractant molecules; the conserved cytoplasmic domain (c-domain) conveys signals generated by ligand binding. In addition, the sensitivities of receptors toward cognate ligands are adjusted by the reversible methylation of a few conserved glutamic acid residues in the c-domain (7). Temporal comparisons are made between current and recent past chemoeffector concentrations by pathway proteins that propagate and terminate signals, which serves to bias the random-walk swimming behavior of E. coli in chemical gradients (8). Given its remarkable ...