Summary:The in vivo kinetics of the dopamine (DA) transporter probe 1 2 3 I-labeled 2r3-carboxymethoxy-3r3-(4-iodophenyl)tropane ([1 2 3 1]r3-CIT) in striatum was investi gated with single-photon emission computerized tomog raphy (SPECT) in five healthy human subjects. The aim of this study was to derive an adequate measure of the DA transporter density that would not be affected by re gional cerebral blood flow or peripheral clearance of the tracer. SPECT data were acquired on the day of injection (day 1) from 0 to 7 h and on the following day (day 2) from 19 to 25 h. Arterial sampling on day 1 was used to mea sure the input function. Graphical, kinetic, and equilib rium analyses were evaluated. Graphical analysis of day 1 data, with the assumption of negligible dissociation of the tracer-receptor complex (k4 = 0), was found to be blood flow-dependent. A three-compartment kinetic analysis of day 1 data were performed using a three (k4 = 0)-and a four (k4 > O)-parameter model. The three-parameter 2[3-Carbomethoxy -3 [3-( 4-iodophenyl)tropane ([3-CIT; also referred to as RTI-55) is a potent cocaine analogue with a high affinity for the dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) transporters (Carroll et aI., 1991;Neumeyer et aI., 1991 Abbreviations used: AIC , Akaike's information criteria; BP, binding potential; I3-CIT, 213-carboxy methoxy-313-(4-iodophenyl)tropane; %cv , percentage coefficient of variation; DA, dopamine; 5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine; SPECT, single photon emission computed tomography.
982model estimated the konBmax product at 0.886 ± 0.087 min -1 . The four-parameter model gave a binding poten tial (BP) of 476 ml g-l , a value consistent with in vitro measurements. The stability of the regional uptake on day 2 allowed direct measurement of the specific to nonspe cific equilibrium partition coefficient (V 3 " = k31k4 = 6.66 ± 1.54). Results of day 1 kinetic analysis and day 2 equi librium analysis were well correlated among subjects. Simulations indicated that the error associated with the day 2 equilibrium analysis was acceptable for plasma tracer terminal half-lives > 10 h. We propose the equilib rium analysis on day 2 as the method of choice for clinical studies since it does not require multiple scans or the measurement of the arterial plasma tracer concentrations.