“…Mean age 52.5 ± 15.6 (29–76)
Indications for stent placement: NR—all malignant
Details of stent placement: NR
Setting: NR, but authors based in Korea
Partially Memokath-051: mean follow-up: 16 (range 4–98) months. Resonance: mean follow-up: 15.7 ± 2.1 (13–20) | Clinical success, theatre time and QoL Partially | Study partially matches the scope and provides comparative data for a small number of outcomes | NCT00166361 2014 [ 19 ] (clinical trial record, abstract only) | Non-randomised, open-label, clinical study investigating Memokath-051 vs double-J Partially | Patients: Memokath-051: 14 patients (female 11, male 3); 5 ≥ 65 years Double-J: 10 patients (retrograde placed) (female 7, male 3); 10 ≥ 65 years Indication for stent placement: malignancy or secondary to changes caused by surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation Details of stent placement: double-J stents were inserted retrograde Setting: USA Partially | Monitoring continued for as long as the stent was in place | Length of time stent remains in situ and complications Clinical success reported in Granberg 2010 [ 17 ] Partially | Low number of subjects in each cohort Clinical trial record only. Study partially matches the scope and provides non-UK comparative data |
EAC External Assessment Centre, IUR ileal ureteral replacement, NA not applicable, NR not reported, QoL quality of life, SD standard deviation, USSQ Ureteral Stent Symptom Questionnaire a Gender was not consistently reported in the studies.…”