Variations in 129 I/ 127 I ratios were used to trace terrestrial organic carbon (tDOC) across an estuary because (1) iodine is biophilic, up to 75% of total iodine in fresh and coastal marine waters partitions into organic iodine; (2) 129 I/ 127 I ratios in tDOC are greatly elevated over those from marine systems because atmospheric emissions of 129 I from European nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities were mixed more quickly in the surface ocean, up to 500 m in a decade, than the terrestrial system, which mixed approximately 10 cm in 10 to 50 y; and (3)
AcknowledgmentsWe appreciate the insightful suggestions of L. Cifuentes, G. Gill, and G. Snyder regarding estuarine and iodine processes, the inspiration and technical expertise of S. Han, and the generous provision of facility use in the Mercury Lab by G. Gill and R. Lehman. I especially thank J. Pinckney, E. Ornolfsdottir, and B. Lumsden of the Estuarine Ecology Lab for collaboration on sampling expeditions and the ancillary data presented here. We are grateful to Iochem for providing the carrier iodine with a low 129 I concentration.