In human washed platelets, collagen-induced phosphoinositide turnover was inhibited by indomethacin, an inhibitor of thromboxane A, (TXAJ formation, particularly at lower doses of collagen. This inhibition was counteracted by the addition of 9,1 I-epithio-1 1,12-methano-TXA, (STAJ, a stable analogue of TXA, as well as by the Ca *+ ionophore A23187. STA, and A23187 did not stimulate phosphoinositide turnover markedly, but significantly increased cytoplasmic free CaZ+ concentrations. The actions of STA, were blocked by 13-azaprostanoic acid, a TXA, receptor antagonist. These results suggest that TXA, is generated during the action of collagen and increases cytoplasmic free Ca2+ which then stimulates phosphoinositide turnover in cooperation with collagen.