Let 9 = (P, £) be a topological projective plane with a compact point set P of finite (covering) dimension d = dim P > 0. A systematic treatment of such planes can be found in the book Compact Projective Planes [15]. Each line L e £ is homotopy equivalent to a sphere §/ with / 1 8, and d = 2/, see [15] (54.1 1). In all known examples, L is in fact homeomorphic to §/. Taken with the compact-open topology, the automorphism group Σ = Aut^ (of all continuous collineations) is a locally compact transformation group of Ρ with a countable basis, the dimension dim Σ is finite [15] (44.3 and 83.2).The classical examples are the planes ^κ over the three locally compact, connected fields IK with ( -dim IK and the 16-dimensional Moufang plane G = έΡ® over the octonion algebra Θ. If 9 is a classical plane, then Aut^ is an almost simple Lie group of dimension Q, where C\ = 8, €2 = 16, €4 = 35, and Cg = 78.In all other cases, dim Σ < ^ Q + 1 < 5Λ Planes with a group of dimension sufficiently close to \ C( can be described explicitly. More precisely, the classification program seeks to determine all pair s (&, Δ), where Δ is a connected closed subgroup of Aut & and bf ^ dim Δ ^ 5^ for a suitable bound be ^ 4/ -1 . This has been accomplished for t ^ 2 and also for 64 = 17. Here, the case ( = 8 will be studied; the value of bt varies with the configuration of the fixed elements ofA.Most theorems that have been obtained so far require additional assumptions on the structure of Δ. If dim Δ ^ 27, then Δ is always a Lie group [12].By the structure theory of Lie groups, there are 3 possibilities: (i) Δ is semi-simple, or (ii) Δ contains a central torus subgroup, or (iii) Δ has a minimal normal vector subgroup, cf.