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Conference Proceeding Paper
ABSTRACTThe fabrication of thick orientation-patterned GaAs (OP-GaAs) films is reported using a two-step process where an OPGaAs template with the desired crystal domain pattern was prepared by wafer fusion bonding and then a thick film was grown over the template by low pressure hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE). The OP template was fabricated using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) followed by thermocompression wafer fusion, substrate removal, and lithographic patterning. On-axis (100) GaAs substrates were utilized for fabricating the template. An approximately 350 µm thick OPGaAs film was grown on the template at an average rate of ~70 µm/hr by HVPE. The antiphase domain boundaries were observed to propagate vertically and with no defects visible by Nomarski microscopy in stain-etched cross sections. The optical loss at ~2 μm wavelength over an 8 mm long OP-GaAs grating was measured to be no more than that of the semiinsulating GaAs substrate. This template fabrication process can provide more flexibility in arranging the orientation of the crystal domains compared to the Ge growth process and is scalable to quasi-phase-matching (QPM) devices operating from the IR to terahertz frequencies utilizing existing industrial foundries.
ABSTRACTThe fabrication of thick orientation-patterned GaAs (OP-GaAs) films is reported using a two-step process where an OP-GaAs template with the desired crystal domain pattern was prepared by wafer fusion bonding and then a thick film was grown over the template by low pressure hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE). The OP template was fabricated using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) followed by thermocompression wafer fusion, substrate removal, and lithographic patterning. On-axis (100) GaAs substrates were utilized for fabricating the template. An approximately 350 µm thick OP-GaAs film was grown on the template at an average rate of ~70 µm/hr by HVPE. The antiphase...