Historically, patients with high risk prostate cancer were considered poor candidates for radical prostatectomy (RP) due to the likelihood of positive pelvic lymph nodes and decreased long term survival. Although there is still no consensus on the optimal therapy for this group of patients, there is increasing evidence that surgery could play a role. Cancer specific survival (CSS) rates after RP for locally advanced disease at 10 year follow up range from 29 to 72%, depending on tumor differentiation. The role of pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) in prostate cancer remains a controversial topic. Nonetheless, in conjunction with RRP extended PLND (ePLND) should be performed as extended lymph node dissection in lieu of standard PLND may increase staging accuracy, influence decision making with respect to adjuvant therapy and possibly impact outcome. High risk patients with organ confined prostate cancer and low volume (micro)metastatic disease may be the ones to profit most from this approach.