The beginning of 2021 brought a change in the executive editorship of the Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO). Nele McElvany and Cornelia Gräsel have passed on the baton and in the coming years the JERO will be managed from the IPN -Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education in Kiel. Admittedly, challenges also brought on by the pandemic made the transition somewhat bumpy and review times longer. This resulted in too many delays. While our guest editors Aileen Edele, Cornelia Kristen, Petra Stanat, and Gisela Will released their special issue in time, considerable delays had an influence on the processing of further manuscripts, for which I apologize. In the meantime, the workflow has improved, the backlog of manuscripts has been largely reduced, and we are able to publish Issue 2 before the end of 2021. I would like to acknowledge that the first paper in this issue was accepted by the previous executive editors (Jentsch, Doll, Stangen, Meyer, & Stangen, 2021). 1 The year 2021 has clearly demonstrated the attractiveness of the JERO. The number of manuscripts submitted in German and English is gratifyingly very high, clearly indicating that the JERO has established itself as an important international outlet for educational research. In Kiel, we intend to further develop the journal to achieve inclusion in the Web of Science as quickly as possible and thus also to obtain a Thomson Reuters impact factor. An increased number of English-language articles will help us to achieve this goal. We are aware that JERO accepts manuscripts in German and in English. However, the visibility and thus citation rate of papers from our disciplines depends strongly on their being not only available but also comprehensible to colleagues outside the German-speaking realm. We would therefore especially like to encourage submissions of English manuscripts in the future. This of course pertains to well-established colleagues as well as to doctoral students and post-docs, who submit their work as part of their formal scientific qualifications, but whose interest should also be to become internationally visible with their own research.