. Can. J. Chcm. 61. 1516Chcm. 61. (1983. The phenyl sclcnolatcs of tin(ll), Icad(l1). arscnic(lll), antirnony(lll), and bismuth(l1l). M(ScPh),, (M = Sn(ll) or Pb(ll), rr = 2; M = As(ll1). Sb(ll1). or Bi(lll), rr = 3). have been synthcsizccl by acid-base reaction of the appropriate metal acetate (for M = Sn(ll) or Pb(ll)) or thiophcnolatc (for all five clcmcnts) with PhScH. and characterized by clcrncntal analysis and, for the Group V elcmcnts, 77Sc and I3C nnir spectroscopy.M(SPh), and M(ScPh): (M = Sn(l1) or Pb(ll)) arc poorly solublc in McOH but dissolve in the presence of an equimolar or greater amount of P h S or P h S c . The solublc st;unnatc(ll) con~plcxcs arc triligatccl as shown by the slow exchange I1"Sn and, where appropriate. 7 7~c nmr spcctra of the series [Sn(SPh),(ScPh), , I (.r = 0-3) mcasurcd for the supernatant liquor of mixtures in which {Sn(EPh)l),,,,,,l/Pl~E -,,,,;,I > I . The corresponding plumbatc(ll) complcxcs arc pr-obably triligatcd also, but are labile on the nmr timcscalc; the parent complexes P b ( E P h ) havc bccn chmctcrizcd in solution by "I7pb and I3C (E = S and Sc) and 7 7~c (E = Sc) nmr spectroscopy. For both Pb(l1) and Sn(ll), the orclcr of chcmical shifts in the rnctal nmr spcctra is G(MSc3) > 6(MS,). The metal nmr spcctra of the mixturcs M(ScPh),:PhSc :PhS = 1 : 2 : 4 (M = Sn(ll) or Pb(ll)) show that the coordination of P h S c occurs in prcfcrcncc to coordination of P h S fo~. both tin(l1) and Icatl(l1).Thiolatoplurnbatcs(l1) might bc formed during somc antidotal treatments for lead poisoning, so "fingerprint" 2 " 7~b nmr spcctra havc bccn mcasurcd for a rangc of model s o l~~b l c spccics formed in Pb(SR),-(cxccss)RS mixturcs in McOH, including somc mixturcs containing newly synthcsizcd and characterized lead thiolatcs derived from dithiolatc unions. For RS-= MeS-, E t S . PhS-, C h H l l S -(for which "Pb(SR)Z" has bccn shown to bc Pb(SC,Hl1)(OAc)), S ( C H Z ) , S / 2 , -SCH,CHSMc/2. and -SCH,CHS C H~O H ' , 61.1, (from PbMc, in toluene as rcfcrcncc) falls in the conlparativcly short rangc 25 18-2999 pprn.The redistribution of ligands bctwccn M(SPh)> and M(ScPh), in chloroform to give cquilibsium mixtures of M(SPh),(SePh),..., occurs slowly on the preparative timcscalc for M = As, rapidly on the prcp~u.ativc timcscalc but slowly on the "C and 77Sc nmr timcscales for M = Sb, and rapidly on the ' C and 77Sc 111iir tinlcscalcs for M = Bi. Thus 13C and, where appropriate, 7 7~c nnlr data arc reported for M(SPh),(ScPh),+, (M = As or Sb) and Bi(EPh)> ( E = S or Sc). In addition, it has been possible, using I3C nmr assessment of spccics distribution in the systems Sb(SPh),-As(ScPh) and Bi(SPh)3-As(ScPh),, to dcducc that for the trivalent Group V clemcnts the ordcr of prcfcrcncc for PhSc-over PhS-as ligands is Bi > Sb > As.Trends in the I3C nmr data for M ( s P h ) . , ( s~P h )~ , (M = As or Sb) and 77Sc nnlr data for a rangc of metal complcxcs of PhSchavc been discussed. The sclcniurn chemical shifts arc influcnccd primarily by the acceptor atom and asc in the ordcr Cd(ll) ...