Sub-bandgap (E ph < E g ) photonic capacitancevoltage method (PCVM) is proposed for the energy distribution [ D it (E)] of interface traps at the SiO 2 /low temperature poly-silicon (LTPS) junction interface in LTPS thin-film transistors (TFTs). The differential capacitance-voltage (C-V ) characteristics under dark and sub-bandgap photoillumination are obtained by excitation of electrons from the valence band to the empty interface states over the photoresponsive range (E F ≤ E t ≤ E V + E ph ) while suppressing the band-to-band electron-hole-pair generation. We applied the sub-bandgap PCVM technique to accumulation mode p-channel LTPS TFTswith W/L = 3/30 µm/µm. Extracted interface trap density ranges D it (E) = 10 10 −10 11 cm −2 eV −1 over the bandgap.Index Terms-Interface traps, low temperature poly-silicon, modeling, optical response, thin-film transistors, sub-bandgap photon.