Biophysics under extreme conditions is the fundamental platform for scrutinizing life in unusual habitats,s uch as those in the deep sea or continental subsurfaces,but also for putative extraterrestrial organisms.T herefore,a ni mportant thermodynamic variable to explore is pressure.Itisshown that the combination of infrared spectroscopywith simulation is an exquisite approach for unraveling the intricate pressure response of the solvation pattern of TMAOi nw ater,w hichi s expected to be transferable to biomolecules in their native solvent. Pressure-enhanced hydrogen bonding was found for TMAOi nw ater.T MAOi samolecule knownt os tabilize proteins against pressure-induced denaturation in deep-sea organisms.Anever-increasing number of microorganisms are known that flourish only when subjected to extreme environmental conditions,including high pressures in the kilobar regime. [1][2][3][4] In fact, the deep sea, the sub-seafloor,a nd the continental subsurface together provide the largest microbial habitats on Earth. [5] Laboratory experiments in the multi-gigapascal (10 kbar) range even point to survival at higher pressures than achieved on Earth. [6,7] Although it is well-known that organisms living in such extreme conditions must have strategies to adapt to those conditions,t he underlying molecular adaptation mechanisms still remain largely unknown. [1][2][3][4] One such strategy involves the intracellular accumulation of small molecules,t ermed piezolytes,t hat stabilize protein structures at extreme pressures. [6,7] Tr imethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), in particular,i sk nown to efficiently offset the perturbing effects of high hydrostatic pressure in deep-sea animals. [8,9] Although the consensus view on the stabilizing effect of TMAOu nder ambient conditions implies that it functions as aso-called molecular crowder that depletes from protein surfaces, [10][11][12] there exists no coherent molecular picture of the stabilizing effect of TMAOu nder extreme-pressure conditions,d espite the fact that experi-ments have revealed its strong potencya lso at high pressures. [13] Moreover,even the molecular-level effect of TMAO on the pressure-dependent structure and dynamics of water remains unknown. [14] It is the realm of an emerging field, "extreme biophysics", to elucidate the (bio)molecular foundations that allow for life far away from the usual physiological conditions which govern ambient life. [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] Although temperature effects have been studied extensively over the last 30 years,e xtreme pressures are much more difficult to access in the laboratory. This difficulty constitutes ac ritical bottleneck because pressure,b eing ac rucial thermodynamic variable next to temperature and concentration, could otherwise be used as ag ateway to gain fundamental insight into the structure, dynamics,a nd hence function of these systems. [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] In at hrust to push forward extreme biophysics,w ef ocus herein on Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy as ap robe t...