The purpose of this Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico (SNL/NM) Environmental Baseline Update is to provide the background information necessary for SNL/NM personnel and contractors to prepare clear and concise NEPA documentation. The scope of the Environmental Baseline Update is to provide comprehensive data needed to support a description of the affected environment at the SNL/NM facility. The "description of the affected environment,'' required by the CEQ regulations in 40 CFR $ 1502.15, is an essential prerequisite for assessing the environmental consequences ($1 502.18) of a proposed action (project) to be implemented by SNL/NM. Table 2- (Continued) . .
List of Tables
List of Tables (Continued)
List of Figures
PrefaceSection 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires agencies to:(1)nclude in every recpmmendation or report on proposals for . . . The purpose of this Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico (SNL/NM) Environmental Baseline Update is to provide the background information necessary for SNLNM personnel and contractors to prepare clear and concise NEPA documentation. The scope of the Environmental Baseline Update is to provide the comprehensive data needed to support a description of the affected environment at the SNLLNM facility. The "description of the affected environment,"required by the CEQ regulations in 40 CFR 0 1502.15, is an essential prerequisite for assessing the environmental consequences (9 1502.16) of a proposed action (project) to be implemented by SNLNM. Appendix A of the Environmental Baseline Update summarizes the CEQ requirements for the format and contents of a NEPA document (40 CFR Part 1502). Appendix A also summarizes the relationship of NEPA to other federal environmental laws, and how the requirements of other statutes, regulations, and executive orders (EO) are to be addressed in a NEPA document.It is intended that this Environmental Baseline Update be used as a source document for preparing environmental descriptions in environmental checklists/action description memoranda, EAs, and EISs. The CEQ regulations specify that "descriptions shall be no longer than necessary to understand the effects of the alternatives" (9 1502.15). Some of the environmental descriptions (e.g., noise and visual resources) will not be relevant to every proposed action.Normally, a section in a NEPA document is devoted to a list of persons or organizations/ agencies contacted during the preparation of the document, as well as a list of preparers. In this Environmental Baseline Update, Chapter 14.0 includes the list of such organizations. SNL/NM xvi personnel or contractors may find the list to be a useful reference in preparing future NEPA documentation. In addition, Department 73 15, Risk Management and NEPA, at SNL/NM maintains a NEPA Compliance Guide (SAND95-1648) that provides direction on the preparation of NEPA documents (Hansen, 1995).Additional information that may be helpful in the preparation of NEPA document...