ii ACKNOWLEGMENTS This thesis could not have been completed without the support and copious contributions of numerous people and institutions. The quality of this research was significantly enhanced by the kindly contributions of my thesis committee. First and foremost, I express gratitude to my thesis committee supervisor, Dr. Tanya Peckmann for her direction, supervision, devotion, and patience (during the countless hours spent reading and revising my work). As a teacher and an advisor, you have provided invaluable experiences and opportunities that have helped to shape my career, and I have grown so much as a scholar, teacher, and a professional under your tutelage. I also wish to thank the supporting members of my thesis committee, Dr. Michelle Patriquin and Dr. Claudia Garrido-Varas for their expertise and feedback. During my time at Saint Mary's University, Michelle has become both a mentor and a friend. So often I pushed forward with revived motivation after our impromptu discussions; you have been a valuable and positive resource throughout my degree. Thank you is also extended to Dr. Claudia Garrido-Varas, who was able to provide unique insight into this research based on her practical experience as a forensic advisor in Thailand during the 2004 'Boxing Day' tsunami. Thank you, Claudia, for agreeing to serve on my committee, and for taking the time to review my work while abroad. generous with her time over the years, guiding me through statistical analyses and interpretation on more than one occasion, and patiently answering my constant barrage of questions. Susan, your assistance has immeasurably enriched my research. Finally, thank you to my family and friends for their unwavering support, encouragement, and willingness to lend an ear or share a drink.