Exchange process, satellite and in situ observations for climate prediction, 241 Exchanges in the lower atmosphere, BOREAS overview and early results, 1549 Expert systems, artificial intelligence needs workshop, 728 Explosive cyclogenesis, comparison of mesoscale prediction and research experiments, 1209 Feature tracking, ocean surface currents, 1816 Field experiments, West Coast picket fence experiment, 1741 Floods, Midwest 1993 atmospheric circulation, 681 Flooding, remote sensing, 933 Floods of 1993, regional response to climate information needs, 2415 Fluxes, satellite and in situ observations for climate prediction, 241 Flux adjustment, global coupled general circulation models, 951 Flux correction, global coupled general circulation models, 951 Forecasts, climate for power utilities, 711 Forecast wording, probability of precipitation, 1812 Forecasting joint National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and National Science Foundation planning, 1194 probability of precipitation, 49 Forecasting East Coast storms, superstorm of 12-14 March 1993, 201 Funding science, large-scale atmospheric science programs, 2445 General circulation models global atmosphere observations and reanalysis, 697 impact of Amazonian deforestation on local precipitation, 346 prediction of seasonal climatology, 335 Geostationary satellites access to data, 923 upper-tropospheric humidity and wind fields derived from, 1578 Global atmosphere observations, reanalysis, 697 Global circumnavigation, meteorological support for balloon flight, 477 Global climate change, tropical cyclones, 380 Global warming, partial sampling problems, 1179 Government operational meteorologists, representation in AMS governing body, 55 Government policies, climate change, 227 Greenhouse effect, an index of college student understanding, 1185 Greenhouse warming, regional simulation, 2171 Ground truth, volunteer observing ships, 5 History, tornadoes, 1777 History of science arctic haze, 2403 Bowen ration, 2433 Humidity field, upper-tropospheric monthly mean from geostationary satellites, 1578 Hurricanes, climate change and, 2241 Hydrologic cycle, as observed in the United States, 1639 Imaging spectroradiometer, moderate-resolution airborne simulator, 933 Impacts of climate change, state roles in, 227 International field study, BOREAS overview and early results,