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ABSTRACTWhile smoking cessation has received considerable attention within the military, the use of smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco and snuff) has not been a focus of medical services or research. Epidemiological data suggest that while smoking has continued to decline both in the general population and within the military, the use of smokeless tobacco products has increased. The primary objective of this research was to develop and evaluate an intervention for smokeless tobacco cessation in active-duty military personnel comprised of proactive recruitment, targeted written and video materials mailed to the participant, and phone call support. The study has now been completed. A total of 785 participants enrolled in the study. Mailed follow-up assessments at three and six months post enrollment were completed with 587 three-month surveys and 571 six-month surveys collected. We have reported on the significant outcomes of the study which showed that the brief phone call intervention supplemented with mailed print and video materials significantly increased tobacco cessation among active duty military personnel. The quit rates for participants receiving the active intervention were two to three times greater than for participants who received usual care and this increase in cessation was significant at each follow up point.