Resistance to cisplatin (DDP) is often accompanied by impaired accumulation in mammalian cells. The mechanism of impaired DDP accumulation is unknown, but copper uptake is diminished as well. We investigated the ability of the copper transporter CTR1 to control the accumulation of DDP in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Parallel studies of copper and DDP cellular pharmacokinetics were carried out using an isogenic pair of wild-type CTR1 and ctr1 knockout S. cerevisiae strains. Both copper and platinum accumulation increased linearly as a function of time and drug concentration in the parental cells. Deletion of CTR1 resulted in a 16-fold reduction in the uptake of copper and an 8-fold reduction in the uptake of DDP measured at 1 h. The CTR1-deficient cells accumulated 2.3-fold (p Ͻ 0.05) less platinum in their DNA and were 1.9-fold more resistant to the cytotoxic effect of DDP than the CTR1-replete cells. The kinetics of cellular copper accumulation were similar to those of DDP. Based on measurements of accumulation at 1 h, the K m for copper influx was 128.8 M, and the V max was 169.5 ng/mg of protein/min; for DDP, the K m was 140.2 M and the V max was 76.9 ng/mg of protein/min. DDP blocked the uptake of copper into the parental cells but not ctr1-deficient cells. CTR1-deficient cells also demonstrated impaired accumulation of the DDP analogs carboplatin, oxaliplatin, and ZD0473 [cis-amminedichloro(2-methylpyridine) platinum (II)]. These results indicate that CTR1 function markedly influences the uptake of all of the clinically used platinum-containing drugs and suggest that this copper transporter may also transport DDP.The effectiveness of cell killing by cisplatin (DDP) is generally acknowledged to be a function of how much drug gets into the cell, how much of it enters the nucleus and actually reacts with DNA, how tolerant the cell is of lesions in its DNA, and how effectively it removes these adducts (Andrews and Howell, 1990). Intracellular detoxification of DDP through mechanisms that involve binding to thiols may contribute to resistance (reviewed in Perez et al., 1993). Both defects in the ability of the cell to recognize adducts in DNA (reviewed in Fink et al., 1998) and enhanced repair of and tolerance to adducts (Johnson et al., 1997) have been identified as contributing to resistance in some cell types. However, impaired uptake of DDP is the most consistently identified characteristic of cells selected for DDP resistance both in vitro and in vivo (reviewed in Andrews and Howell, 1990;Gately and Howell, 1993).The mechanism underlying impaired DDP accumulation in resistant cells is unknown; in fact, the mechanism by which DDP enters or exits cells remains poorly defined. DDP accumulates in cells relatively slowly compared to many other classes of anticancer agents, and earlier evidence suggested that at least one component of DDP uptake is mediated by a transport mechanism or channel (Andrews and Albright 1991; . In fact, the behavior of DDP is similar in many ways to that of transition metals such ...