CHAPTER 1.-INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and scope 1 1.2 Acknowledgements 1.3 Background 1.3.1 Radiation biophysics of the CNS 1.3.2 Relationship between NMR relaxation parameters and CNS pathology CHAPTER 2.-SPIN-ECHO IMAGING WITH PROJECTION RECONSTRUCTION 2.1 Methods 2.2 Results CHAPTER 3.-2D FOURIER TRANSFORM SPIN-ECHO IMAGING 3.1 Methods 3.2 Results CHAPTER 4.-SATURATION RECOVERY IMAGING WITH PROJECTION RECONSTRUCTION 4.1 Modification of the UCB-180 spectrometer 42 for imaging 4.2 Phantom studies 50 4.3 Methods 53 4.3.1 Helium beam irradiation of the CNS 53 4.3.2 The NMR experiment 4.3.3 Tl relaxation tine calculation 4.4 Results CHAPTER 5.-SPIN-ECHO SPECTROSCOPY WITH RF 64 ENERGY OPTIMIZATION 5.1 Localization in surface coil spectroscopy 65 5.2 Proton spectroscopy of irradiated rat brain 75 5.3 Results 76 CHAPTER 6.-2D FOURIER TRANSFORM PROTON SPECTROSCOPY 82 6.1 Introduction 82 6.2 Instrumentation and computer software 82 6.3 Method 85 6.3.1 Magnetic field gradient orientation 85 6.3.2 The NMR experiment 86 b.4 Results 87 CHAPTER 7.-PROTON CHEMICAL SHIFTS OF AQUEOUS AND ORGANIC 94 FRACTIONS OF BRAIN EXTRACTS 7.1 Methods 94 7.1.1 Brain preparation 94 7.1.2 The NMR experiment 7.1.3 Calibration of NMR peak areas with chemical concentration 7.1.4 Chemical shifts of isolated chemicals 7.2 Results 103 CHAPTER 8.-HISTOLOGY OF IRRADIATED BRAINS 112 8.1 Methods 112 8.2 Results 113 CHAPTER 9.-SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION APPENDIX Computer program listings BIBLIOGRAPHY This report was done with support from the Depai tment of Energy. Any conclusions or opinions expressed in this report represent solely those of the authors) and not necessarily those of The Regents of the University of California, the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory or the Department of Energy. Reference to a company or product name does not imply approval or recommendation of the pioduct by the University of California or the U.S. Department of Energy to the exclusion of others that may be suitable. diffuse through the tissue and react with the biologically important macromolecules. This secondary phenomenon is known as the indirect effect of radiation and occurs between 10E-10 and 10E-3 seconds. The products formed from these interactions would be organic peroxides, organic free radicals, organic hydroperoxides, and hydrogen peroxide (Singh and Singh 1982). The consequences of interaction with these products include: 1) DNA and RNA damage (Okada, 1979); 2) enzyme inactivation and activation (Altman, 1970), .1) oxidation of sulfides; 4) lipid peroxidation (Pritchard and Singh, 1966); and conformational changes in protein structure (Todo, 1982). Early biological damage The iianediate biological effect of radiation at the cellular level is an alteration in the biochemical processes directing and controlling RNA synthesis, and the synthesis of proteins and lipids necessary for structure and metabolism of the cell. These effects occur between 10 seconds and 10 hours (Singh and Singh 1982). Damage done to DNA is particularly important because the same base-pair ...