Cold mass-resolved excitation spectra have been obtained for substituted and unsubstituted indoles complexed with one or two polar solvent molecules. Frequency scans were carried out to more than 1000 cm -1 above the complex origins. Sharp excitation features persisted to the blue for the N-H site complexes, but no features further to the blue were attributable to the π site complexes. In 3-methylindole a number of vibrations 400-900 cm -1 above the S 1 origin in the bare chromophore did not appear in corresponding locations above the S 1 complex origins for n ) 1 water and methanol clusters. It is likely that these peaks underwent much greater red shifts in the complexes than the S 1 origins because the former possess substantial 1 L a character. Any of the indoles studied that was complexed with two polar solvent molecules showed broad excitation features. The extended structure most likely arises in at least some instances because of π site interactions. In 2,3-dimethylindole, postulated to undergo N-H bond dissociation in S 1 , mass-resolved REMPI spectra did not disclose a lower mass product arising from N-H bond breaking. However, when the chromophore was complexed at the N-H site with a strong proton acceptor, triethylamine, evidence was found that zwitterions were formed in the S 1 complex arising from N-H site proton donation to the base.