Diphenylbicyclo[3.3.1]nonane‐2,6‐dione rac‐3 is resolved in 57 % overall yield by chromatographic separation of the diastereomeric (R)‐N‐(1‐phenylethyl)carbamates 9 which are obtained from (R)‐(1‐phenylethyl) isocyanate (8) and the 6‐hydroxydiphenylbicyclo[3.3.1]nonan‐2‐ones endo‐ and exo‐4. The enantiomers (1R)‐ (e.r. = 98:2) and (1S)‐3 (e.r. = 97:3) are regenerated from 9 by reduction with lithium aluminium hydride followed by Swern oxidation of the resulting diols 5. The title compound (1S)‐1 is synthesised in three steps from (1S)‐3 in improved yield on the route that had led to rac‐1. The absolute configurations are established by X‐ray diffraction analyses of the carbamates endo‐(1R)‐9 and exo‐(1S)‐9. X‐ray diffraction analyses were also performed of the camphanoate (1R)‐7, the intermediates rac‐endo‐4 and (1S)‐3, and the title compound (1S)‐1. Hydroxy ketone rac‐endo‐4 adopts similar conformations in the solid state and in solution as shown by a comparison of vicinal 1H,1H coupling constants from proton spectra with those calculated from torsional angles in the crystal. The molecular structures of (1S)‐1 and (1S)‐3 closely resemble those of the corresponding racemates investigated previously. These results show (i) that intermolecular interactions in the solid state are of minor importance and (ii) that the unusually long C2–C8 distance of (1S)‐1 and rac‐1 (168 pm) is a molecular but not an averaged property due to a non‐degenerate Cope rearrangement in the crystal. CD spectra are reported for (1R)‐ and (1S)‐3, the unsaturated dicarbonitrile (1S)‐13, and (1S)‐1. The CD spectrum of (1S)‐1 exhibits a weak positive band at 459 nm where rac‐1 shows a temperature‐dependent absorption which has been assigned to the higher, vibronic state represented by rac‐1*. The intensity of the weak CD band depends on the temperature and the solvents in the same way as the UV/Vis absorption of rac‐1. This supports the conclusion that both bands originate from the same source, viz. the transition state 1* of the degenerate Cope rearrangement 1 ⇄ 1′.