Focal microinjection of tetrodotoxin (TTX), a potent voltagegated sodium channel blocker, reduces neurological deficits and tissue loss after spinal cord injury (SCI). Significant sparing of white matter (WM) is seen at 8 weeks after injury and is correlated to a reduction in functional deficits. To determine whether TTX exerts an acute effect on WM pathology, Sprague Dawley rats were subjected to a standardized weight-drop contusion at T8 (10 gm ϫ 2.5 cm). TTX (0.15 nmol) or vehicle solution was injected into the injury site 5 or 15 min later. At 4 and 24 hr, ventromedial WM from the injury epicenter was compared by light and electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. By 4 hr after SCI, axonal counts revealed reduced numbers of axons and significant loss of large (Ն5 m)-diameter axons. TTX treatment significantly reduced the loss of large-diameter axons. In addition, TTX significantly attenuated axoplasmic pathology at both 4 and 24 hr after injury. In particular, the development of extensive periaxonal spaces in the large-diameter axons was reduced with TTX treatment. In contrast, there was no significant effect of TTX on the loss of WM glia after SCI. Thus, the long-term effects of TTX in reducing WM loss after spinal cord injury appear to be caused by the reduction of acute axonal pathology. These results support the hypothesis that TTX-sensitive sodium channels at axonal nodes of Ranvier play a significant role in the secondary injury of WM after SCI.
Key words: spinal cord injury; TTX; electron microscopy; white matter; glia; microinjectionWith the development of experimental models of contusive spinal cord injury (SCI) (Blight, 1996), researchers obtained the means to study changes that take place in the cord after injury. From these studies, it is apparent that injury occurs in two phases. The first phase, "primary injury", is the mechanical trauma initially sustained. The second phase, termed "secondary injury", involves a number of trauma-induced physiological and biochemical changes (e.g., ischemia, anoxia, excitotoxicity) that occur in the ensuing hours and days and exacerbate the consequences of the mechanical injury (Tator and Fehlings, 1991;Young, 1993).The f unctional deficits produced by SCI are largely caused by the loss of white matter (W M), particularly the long tracts through which descending and ascending communication occurs (Blight and Decrescito, 1986;Noble and Wrathall, 1989;Wrathall et al., 1994). Recovery of hindlimb locomotion after SCI is highly correlated to W M sparing (Noble and Wrathall, 1989;Blight, 1991;Basso et al., 1996). Initially after experimental contusion injury, the W M appears largely intact (Bresnahan, 1978;Blight, 1983;Noble and Wrathall, 1985;Rosenberg and Wrathall, 1997). Over the next 4 hr, pathology increases (Bresnahan, 1978;Anthes et al., 1995;Fehlings and Tator, 1995;Rosenberg and Wrathall, 1997), suggesting that secondary injury mechanisms are involved in the loss of W M.Calcium appears to play a critical role in W M pathology (Balentine and Greene, 1984...