By appropriate structural modification of known musk odorants, new strong musk odorants have been discovered. Incorporation of supplementary CH, or CH, groups into the basic musk skeleton of type G only slightly modifies the global shape of the molecule but leads to densely packed structures of enhanced lipophilicity. For the construction of these highly substituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalenes, new annulation sequences (intramolecular mono-and dialkylations; see Schemes 3.6, and 8) have been developed and, in certain cases, the design of the target molecules was dictated by both structure-activity-relationship and synthetic considerations (e.g. 46 and 47, Scheme 6). This work also presents an original solution to an analytical problem: the distinction between a C2-and a C,-symmetrical aromatic hydrocarbon (uiz. 7 1 and 72) by conversion into a [Cr(CO),arene]complex.