“…In addition to the work of geoarchaeologists, historians, and archaeologists, the protocol also stipulates the expertise of a team of archaeobotanists and archaeozoologists (Devos, ; Devos, Fechner, Vrydaghs, Degraeve, & Deligne, ; Vannieuwenhuyze, Charruadas, Devos, & Vrydaghs, ; Devos, 2012; Devos & Degraeve, ). It involves a series of steps integrating the archaeo‐environmental expertise: - A desktop study: all existing documentation is collected, including the data from historical maps and images, geotechnical and quaternary geological maps, and the archaeological atlas.
- Fieldwork, including a detailed stratigraphical and taphonomical study according to the “ Comprehensive Field Data Bases ” (Langohr, ) and the “ Guidelines for soil profile description ” (F.A.O., ).