Foram obtidos e caracterizados três complexos de ferro da 2-acetilpiridina tiossemicarbazona ( -for the ligand deprotonated at N(2'). The co or di na tion to the metal ion oc curs through the tridentate li gat ing Npy ∩ N(1') ∩ (S), sys tem with for ma tion of 2:1 ligand-to-metal com plexes hav ing me rid i o nal stereochemistry. The Mössbauer pa ram e ters δ (iso mer shift) and ∆ (quadrupole split ting) are char ac ter is tic of Fe(III) for com plex I and of Fe(II) for both com plexes II and III, all low spin with oc ta he dral ge om e try. The iso mer shift value de creases in go ing from [Fe(HAPT) 2 ]Cl 2 (II, δ = 0.264 ± 0.001 mm/s) to [Fe(APT) 2] (III, δ = 0.227 ± 0.001 mm/s), due to the higher s elec tron den sity of the lat ter. This re sults from the elec tron do nor in duc tive ef fect of the acetyl methyl group and the neg a tive charge of the thiolate sul fur, which is con se quently a better sigma do nor than the thione sul fur. The quadrupole split ting in creases in go ing from II ( ∆ = 0.537 ± 0.002 mm/s) to III ( ∆ = 0.755 ± 0.002 mm/s), prob a bly due to ligand inequivalencies, a sig nif i cant con tri bu tion be ing at trib uted to dif fer ences in the metal-ligand bond or der.