Treatment of 2 (tert butyl) 1,2,3,4 benzotetrazinium tetrafluoroborates with sodium thio cyanate afforded 2 (tert butylazo)phenyl isothiocyanates 3, which exist in equilibrium with 2 (tert butyl) 1,2,4 benzotriazine 3(2H ) thiones 3´. The equilibrium depends on the sub stituents R in the benzene ring: the percentage of the open isomer 3 is about 20% for R = H or Me; for R = Cl or Br, the equilibrium is completely shifted to cyclic isomer 3´. The equilibrium is slow on the time scale of the 1 H and 13 C NMR experiments. For com pounds 3a/3´a (R = H), the spectra at 24 °C show two sets of signals, while those at 0 °C contain only signals for isomer 3´a.