Endocannabinoids control hippocampal inhibitory synaptic transmission through activation of presynaptic CB 1 receptors. During depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition (DSI), endocannabinoids are synthesized upon postsynaptic depolarization. The endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) may mediate hippocampal DSI. Currently, the best studied pathway for biosynthesis of 2-AG involves the enzyme diacylglycerol lipase (DAGL). However, whether DAGL is necessary for hippocampal DSI is controversial and was not systematically addressed. Here, we investigate DSI at unitary connections between CB 1 receptor-containing interneurons and pyramidal neurons in CA1. We found that the novel DAGL inhibitor OMDM-188, as well as the established inhibitor RHC-80267, did not affect DSI. As reported previously, effects of the DAGL inhibitor tetrahydrolipstatin depended on the application method: postsynaptic intracellular application left DSI intact, while incubation blocked DSI. We show that all DAGL inhibitors tested block slow self-inhibition in neocortical interneurons, which involves DAGL. We conclude that DAGL is not involved in DSI at unitary connections in hippocampus.