Boron-containing aromatic systems exhibit unique electronic properties and reactivities that have been extensively studied for a long time. This review highlights the recent developments in the synthesis of aromatic boron-containing heterocycles. The organization of the contents is based on the sizes of rings and the heteroatoms other than boron. Early work in the field is briefly introduced, but the main focus is on recent reports published during the period of 2008 through 2016.1 Introduction2 Five-Membered Rings2.1 Borole Derivatives2.2 B,N-Heterocycles2.3 B,O-Heterocycles3 Six-Membered Rings3.1 Borabenzene Derivatives3.2 Boratabenzene Derivatives3.3 1,4-Diborabenzene3.4 B,N-Heterocycles3.5 B,E-Heterocycles (E = O, S, P, Te)4 Three-Membered Rings4.1 Borirenes4.2 Azadiboriridines4.3 Triboracyclopropenyl Dianion5 Four-Membered Rings5.1 bicyclo-Tetraborane(4)5.2 1,3-Diborete5.3 B,E-Heterocycles (E = N, P, As, Sb, Bi, O, S, Se)6 Seven-Membered Rings (Borepines)7 Conclusion and Perspective