Mild hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is common in neonates with no evidence-based therapies, and 30-40% of patients experience adverse outcomes. The nature and progression of mild injury is poorly understood. Thus, we studied the evolution of mild perinatal brain injury using longitudinal two-photon imaging of transgenic fluorescent proteins as a novel readout of neuronal viability and activity at cellular resolution. In vitro, perinatal murine organotypic hippocampal cultures underwent 15-20 minutes of oxygen-glucose deprivation. In vivo, mild hypoxia-ischemia was completed in post-natal day 10 mouse pups of both sexes with carotid ligation and 15 minutes of hypoxia. Consistent with a mild injury, minimal immediate neuronal death was seen and there was no volumetric evidence of injury by ex vivo MRI 2.5 weeks after injury. In both the hippocampus and neocortex, these mild injuries resulted in a significantly delayed and progressive neuronal loss in the second week after injury, measured by fluorophore quenching. Mild hypoxia-ischemia transiently suppressed cortical network activity followed by normal maturation. No post-injury seizures were seen. The participation in network activity of individual neurons destined to die was indistinguishable from those that survived for 4 days post-injury. In conclusion, our results showed that mild perinatal brain injury resulted in a prolonged increase of neuronal death. Neurons that died late were functioning normally for days after injury, suggesting a new pathophysiology of neuronal death. Critically, the neurons destined to die late demonstrated multiple biomarkers of viability long after mild injury, suggesting their later death may be modified with neuroprotective interventions.