In this review we present a theory of cosmological constant and Dark Energy (DE), based on the topological structure of the vacuum. The Multiple Point Principle (MPP) is reviewed. It demonstrates the existence of the two vacua into the SM. The Froggatt-Nielsen's prediction of the top-quark and Higgs masses is given in the assumption that there exist two degenerate vacua in the SM. This prediction was improved by the next order calculations. We also considered B.G. Sidharth's theory of cosmological constant based on the non-commutative geometry of the Planck scale space-time, what gives an extremely small DE density providing the accelerating expansion of the Universe. Theory of two degenerate vacua -the Planck scale phase and Electroweak (EW) phase -also is reviewed, topological defects in these vacua are investigated, also the Compton wavelength phase suggested by B.G. Sidharth was discussed. A general theory of the phase transition and the problem of the vacuum stability in the SM is reviewed. Assuming that the recently discovered at the LHC new resonance with mass m S 750 GeV is a new scalar S bound state 6t + 6t, earlier predicted by C.D. Froggatt, H.B. Nielsen and L.V. Laperashvili, we try to provide the vacuum stability in the SM and exact accuracy of the MPP.