Heavy rain and river flooding due to Typhoon No. 19 in October 2019 led to overflow and a dike breach on the left bank of the Chikuma River that caused large-scale inundation damage in Nagano City, Japan. To devise countermeasures, an inundation analysis model is an important tool. In this study, an inundation analysis model was developed to examine the inundation water behavior. The calculated inundation water depth and inundation area showed good agreement with the observed inundation water depth and the inundated area, confirming the validity of the analysis model. In addition, temporal changes of the inundation state were calculated considering the drainage process. However, the sewerage system, waterway, and drainage pump car were not taken into consideration in this analysis, and future issues for model improvement were also revealed. In addition, an analysis model with a 2 m grid was developed in the dike breach site, and the inundation water flow on roads and the fluid force around houses were obtained after taking into consideration the effect of houses. In paticular, the calculated value of the specific force exerted on damaged houses was very high. Moreover, it was proposed that house hazard should be evaluated while taking into consideration the loss of houses around the dike.