The activity coefficient ratio for several indicators has been estimated for the protonated and neutral forms of the same indicator molecule over a large range of acidity in H2S04, HCIO,, and HCI systems. The activity coefficient (f,) of the neutral form of a number of Hammett indicators was determined via solubility measurements. The observed linear relationship between log f, and PK;~' then permitted estimate by extrapolation of log f, not experimentally accessible for the more basic indicators. Solubility studies of the pentacyanopropenide (PCP-) salts of these more basic protonated indicators were referred to a reference standard, tetraethylammonium pentacyanopropenide (TEA+PCP-) according to the method developed by Boyd to obtain the activity coefficient ratio fBH+&,,+.By synthesizing the term fB,+lf, Cf,,,-lf,EA+)llZ the approach to a meaningful value of fBH+/fB is believed to be facilitated. This function is uniquely related to the water activity of the various acid systems examined to support the suggestion by Hammett that fBH+lf, is a constant for primary aniline indicators at a specified acid concentration. de fBH+/fB. Cette fonction est uniquement en relation avec I'activitt de I'eau dans les divers systkmes acides examines pour soutenir la suggestion de Hammett que fBH+/fB est une constante pour les indicateurs aniline primaire a une concentration acide fixte.