This paper is dedicated to the memory of Professor Thomas BirchallDEQI GUO, J. STEPHEN HARTMAN, and MARY FRANCES RICHARDSON. Can. J. Chem. 70, 700 (1992). Despite an apparently successful empirical correlation, it is incorrect to ascribe variations in ' 9~i and "C chemical shifts in silicon carbide polytypes to diamagnetic anisotropy effects. Silicon carbide, an important industrial material ( l ) , is known for its remarkable display of polytypism. There are more than 200 known polytypes, which are characterized by having identical Si-C double layers arranged in different stacking sequences (2, 3). Since our initial work on the distinctive 2 9~i and I3c Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR spectra of the 6H, 3C, and 15R polytypes (4, 5), NMR has become an important characterization tool for silicon carbide (6). All polytypes so far studied other than 3C and 2H, several peaks in their MAS NMR spectra (4, 5, 7-9) despite the fact that the immediate-neighbour tetrahedron in S i c is essentially identical for all sites (10). We (4, 5) and others (7,11) showed that the number of peaks could be correlated with the number and geometrical arrangement of higher neighbours. However, peaks could not be readily assigned to particular atoms in the structures. We undertook the present work as a possible approach to S i c peak assignments. McConnell (12) expressed the relationship between the chemical shielding increment Au and the molar diamagnetic anisotropy AX of distant (cylindrically symmetrical) bonds as:
Calculationswhere AX is the difference between the susceptibility parallel to the bond and the susceptibility perpendicular to it, R is the distance between the nucleus of interest and the electrical center of gravity of the distant bond, and 0 is the angle between the vector R and the bond vector (Fig. 1).Expansion of eq.[I] to include all contributions within a certain distance from a central atom gives the shielding increment for that atom:The chemical shift, in ppm to low field of a reference com-'~u t h o r s to whom correspondence may be addressed. pound, is related to the shielding by 6,,,,, = u,, , , , , urn,,,, and can be divided into local and long-range parts, so that where 6,,,, is the overall chemical shift of atom X(j) in the structure, 6; is the "intrinsic" chemical shift, i.e., the shift that atom X would have if it were bonded only to its four neighbours, and (Ax)(G,) represents the chemical shift due to long-range shielding because of the diamagnetic susceptibility of chemical bonds. G,, the geometric factor, is a term dependent only upon the crystal structure and the location of the electrical centre of gravity for the bonds, initially taken at the midpoint. The sum is over all bonds n out to a certain radius. Equation [4] allows a value of AX to be calculated explicitly and compared to experimental values.Bonds to nearest neighbours were eliminated from the sum, both because the point dipole approximation is not valid at such short ranges (12) and because the nearest-neighbour effects are assumed to be a...