In recent years, graphene oxide has been considered as as oluble precursor of graphene for electronic applications. However,t he performance lags behind that of graphene due to lattice defects. Here, the relation between the density of defects in the range of 0.2 %a nd 1.5 %a nd the transport properties is quantitatively studied. Therefore, the related flakes of monolayers of graphene were prepared from oxo-functionalized graphene (oxo-G). The morphologic structure of oxo-G was imaged by atomicf orce microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Field-effect mobility values were determined to range between 0.3 cm 2 V À1 s À1 and 33.2 cm 2 V À1 s À1 ,w hich were inverselyp roportionalt ot he density of defects. These resultsp rovide the first quantitative description of the density of defects and transport properties, which plays an important role for potentiala pplications.Chemically modified graphene, such as graphene oxide (GO) or oxo-functionalized graphene (oxo-G), has received considerable interests for electronic, [1] optoelectronic, [2] biological [3] and chemicals ensing [4] applications due to its physicochemical phenomena, including its tunable bandgap, [5] diverse luminescence behaviors, [6] biological compatibility [7] and the ability to modify the surfacec ovalently and non-covalently. [8] In contrast to pristine graphene with carbona toms arranged into at wodimensional hexagonal lattice, oxo-G consists of abundant sp 3hybridized carbon atoms, which are covalently bound to oxogroups,m ainly hydroxyl and epoxy groups. [9] The sp 3 -portioni s between 4% and6 0%,w ith variable functionality. [10] The oxoaddends are tentatively immobilizedo nto segregatedc arbon, which isolates intact nanometer-scale graphene domains into small islands. [11] The existence of surface oxo-groups has profound impacts on improving its hydrophilicity, [12] chemicalreactivity, [13] catalytic activity, [14] and optical properties, [2a] whereas the effect is detrimental for the electrical conductivity. [15] Therefore, to enhancet he electrical performance of GO or oxo-G, extensiver esearches were conducted on the deoxygenation of oxo-addends. [16] In this regard, thermal processing provides a simple and versatile method for carbonization, however,w ithout ac arbon source, more lattice defects, such as few-atoms vacancies and nanometer-scale holes, are introduced due to thermald isproportionation along with CO 2 formation. [17] Duringt he oxidative synthesis of GO and oxo-G, defects are introducedi nto the carbon framework. [10a] They cannot be healedo ut by simple chemical reduction although oxo-addendsa re reductively defunctionalized from the carbon lattice by ac hemical reductant. [18] The defect concentrationi nG Oo r oxo-G can be determined by Ramans pectroscopy after chemical reduction and typically varies from 0.001 %t o2%. [19] We demonstrated that the mobility of chargec arriers of reduced oxo-G with ad ensity of defects as low as 0.02 %i se xceeding 1000 cm 2 V À1 s À1 ,m easureda t1 .6 Ki na...