We present a large N solution of a microscopic model describing the Mott-Anderson transition on a finite-coordination Bethe lattice. Our results demonstrate that strong spatial fluctuations, due to Anderson localization effects, dramatically modify the quantum critical behavior near disordered Mott transitions. The leading critical behavior of quasiparticle wavefunctions is shown to assume a universal form in the full range from weak to strong disorder, in contrast to disorder-driven nonFermi liquid ("electronic Griffiths phase") behavior, which is found only in the strongly correlated regime. Early theories of the MIT [5] focused on the stability of conventional metals to introducing weak disorder, but these Fermi-liquid approaches proved unable to describe strong correlation phenomena which took center stage in recent years. Indeed, the last two decades have seen significant advances in our understanding of "Mottness", not least because of the development of dynamical meanfield theory (DMFT) [6], which has been very successful in quantitatively explaining many aspects of strong correlation.Because in its simplest form DMFT does not capture Anderson localization effects, several recent refinements were introduced, which proved capable of capturing both the Mott and the Anderson mechanisms. The conceptually simplest [7] such approach -the typical-medium theory (TMT) -provided the first self-consistent description of the Mott-Anderson transition, and offered some insight into its critical regime. For weak to moderate disorder, this theory found a transition closely resembling the clean Mott point, while only at stronger disorder Anderson localization modified the critical behavior. However, close scrutiny [8] revealed that some of these findings may be artifacts of the neglect of spatial fluctuations in this formulation.An alternative but technically more challenging approach to Anderson-Mott localization was dubbed "Statistical DMFT" (statDMFT) [9]. Here, only the strong correlations are treated in a self-consistent DMFT fashion, while disorder fluctuations are treated by a (numerically) exact computational scheme. While certainly much more reliable than TMT-DMFT, so far this method was utilized only in a handful of theoretical studies of the Mott-Anderson transition [10,11], and the precise form of quantum criticality has never been explored in detail.In this letter, we present the first precise and detailed study of the quantum critical behavior of the MottAnderson transition in a Bethe lattice, within the framework of statDMFT. We address the following physical questions, which we answered in a clear and reliable fashion: (1) Are there two distinct types of quantum criticality in this model, as TMT-DMFT suggested, or do the fluctuation effects restore universality within the critical regime? (2) How general is the disorder-driven non-Fermi liquid behavior (electronic Griffiths phase), and how does it relate to the relative strength of correlations and disorder? These results are obtained for a specific micros...