Abstract. We show a possibility for soliton formation and superluminality phenomenon at a femtosecond pulse propagation in a medium with noble nanorods. These effects take place if a positive phase grating is induced by laser radiation. We take into account the dependence of two-or one-photon absorption [single-photon absorption (SPA)] on the nanorod aspect ratio and time-dependent nanorod aspect ratio changing due to nanorods reshaping (or melting) because of laser energy absorption. We demonstrate that a fast light propagation mode occurs for various detuning between wave packet carrier frequency and nanorod resonance frequency, which is a key parameter for practical observation of fast or slow light in a physical experiment. We also developed analytical approaches for explanation of laser pulse propagation peculiarities in a medium with nanorods. In particular, in the framework of nonlinear geometric optics approximation, we derived the laws for the pulse intensity and instantaneous frequency evolution if a phase grating is induced by laser radiation in a medium with SPA. We also developed an approximate analytical soliton and derived the chirped soliton amplitude, duration and homogeneous shift evolution, carrier frequency changing, and pulse chirp evolution. The results of analytical consideration are confirmed by computer simulation results. © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.