2q31 deletion creates a characteristic phenotype including mild-to-severe developmental delay, short stature, facial dysmorphism, and variable defects on the extremities. The dysmorphic characteristics include microcephaly, downslanting palpebral fissures, a long and flat philtrum, micrognathia, and dysplastic and low-set ears. To date, 38 patients have been diagnosed using comparative genomic hybridization. Therefore, more patients with detailed clinical data are necessary to delineate the spectrum of clinical manifestation associated with a deletion in 2q31 cytoband.
Case presentation
We present an 8-year-old female patient with clinical characteristics of the velocardiofacial syndrome, including facial dysmorphism, congenital heart disease with persistent truncus arteriosus, interauricular communication (ostium secundum), and seizure syndrome. An array comparative genomic hybridization showed the discontinuous deletion comprising the 2q31.1-2q31.3 cytobands, establishing a diagnosis of 2q31 microdeletion syndrome. The patient has been treated with supportive swallowing and speech therapy. A literature review of the previous cases is also presented here.
here we report the first patient with a complex, discontinuous deletion in the 2q31-2q32 regions, which contributes to the phenotypical and mutational characterization of patients carrying deletions in these cytobands. Furthermore, this case highlights the importance of high-resolution techniques and coverage in diagnosing patients with complex phenotypes.