Foliar herbicides were applied by a motorised knapsack sprayer with ultra low volume (ULV) attachment to gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) of height 10-50 cm in June, October, and February, and to gorse of height 30-100 cm in February. The effectiveness of the herbicides were: triclopyr and a mixture of triclopyr + picloram equal to or better than 2,4,5-T; glyphosate + picloram equal to 2,4,5-T; mixtures of 2,4-D with picloram or with dicamba equal to or less than 2,4,5-T. Two trials with soilapplied hexazinone at rates up to 2.0 glplant resulted in poor control of plants of height greater than 100 cm, and good control of small plants.