Geometric feature acts as an important role in point cloud shape classification tasks. Previous methods have proved that the geometric information of point clouds effectively improves the classification accuracy. Mo-Net firstly introduced geometric moments into point cloud shape classification, which, to fit the form of second order geometric moments, extends the number of input channels from three to nine. Unfortunately, similar to PointNet, Mo-Net cannot capture the local structures. To address this issue, we propose a graph geometric moments convolution neural network (GGM-Net), which learns local geometric features from geometric moments representation of a local point set. The core module of the GGM-Net is to learn features from geometric moments (termed as GGM convolution). Specifically, the GGM convolution learns point features and local features from the first and second order geometric moments of points and its local neighbors, respectively, and then combines these features by using an addition operation. In this way, a geometrical local representation about points is obtained, which leads to much surface geometry awareness and robustness. Equipped with the GGM convolution, GGM-Net, a simple end-to-end architecture, is developed to achieve a competitive accuracy on the benchmark dataset ModelNet40 and perform more efficiently in terms of memory and computational complexity.