Understanding the interfacial dynamics and fluid physics associated with the operation of spacecraft is important for scientific as well as engineering purposes. To help address the issues associated with moving boundaries, interfacial dynamics, and spatial‐temporal variations in time and length scales, a 3‐D adaptive Eulerian–Lagrangian method is extended and further developed. The stationary (Eulerian) Cartesian grid is adopted to resolve the fluid flow, and the marker‐based triangulated moving (Lagrangian) surface meshes are utilized to treat the phase boundary. The key concepts and numerical procedures, along with the selected interfacial flow problems are presented. Specifically, the liquid fuel draining dynamics in different flow regimes, and the liquid surface stability under vertically oscillating gravitational acceleration are investigated. Direct assessment of experimental measurement and scaling analysis is made to highlight the computational performance of the present approach as well as the key fluid physics influenced by the given flow parameters. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.