The rigid body displacement mathematical model is a Lie group of the special Euclidean group SE (3). This article is about the Lie algebra se (3) group. The standard exponential map from se (3) onto SE (3) is a natural parameterization of these displacements. In technical applications, a crucial problem is the vector minimal parameterization of manifold SE (3). This paper presents a unitary variant of a general class of such vector parameterizations. In recent years, dual algebra has become a comprehensive framework for analyzing and computing the characteristics of rigid-body movements and displacements. Based on higher-order fractional Cayley transforms for dual quaternions, higher-order Rodrigues dual vectors and multiple vectorial parameters (extended by rotational cases) were computed. For the rigid body movement description, a dual tangent operator (for any vectorial minimal parameterization) was computed. This paper presents a unitary method for the initial value problem of the dual kinematic equation.