As traightforwardg ram-scale preparation of cyclohexa-1,4-diene-based hydrogen cyanide (HCN) surrogates is reported. These are bench-stable but formally release HCN and rearomatizew hen treated with Lewis acids.F or BCl 3 ,t he formation of the isocyanide adduct [(CN)BCl 3 ] À and the corresponding Wheland complex was verified by mass spectrometry.I nt he presence of 1,1-di-and trisubstituted alkenes, transfer of HCN from the surrogate to the C À Cd ouble bond occurs,affording highly substituted nitriles with Markovnikov selectivity.The success of this transfer hydrocyanation depends on the Lewis acid employed;c atalytic amounts of BCl 3 and (C 6 F 5 ) 2 BCl are shown to be effective while B(C 6 F 5 ) 3 and BF 3 ·OEt 2 are not.Nitriles are synthetically highly versatile since the C N functional group is readily converted into amines or various carbonyl compounds directly at the desired oxidation level. On an industrial scale,t ransition-metal-catalyzed hydrocyanation of alkenes using hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is the most prevalent method to access nitriles. [1] Conversely,t he use of gaseous HCN (b.p.2 5.6 8 8C) in academic laboratories is less appealing despite the atom economy associated with its addition across multiple bonds.T he severe toxicity of HCN [2] sparked efforts to identify less volatile surrogates, [3] and acetone cyanohydrin as well as trimethylsilylcyanide (TMSCN) fulfill this role in nickel-catalyzed alkene hydrocyanation. [4][5][6] Another approach is based on cobalt catalysis, and this radical process makes use of solid tosyl cyanide (TsCN) with PhSiH 3 as the source of the hydrogen atom. [7] Morandi and co-workers recently disclosed a reversible transfer hydrocyanation of alkenes catalyzed by nickel (Scheme 1, top). [8,9] Thee quilibrium can be elegantly shifted toward the right by the release of low-boiling isobutylene.Our laboratory introduced irreversible transfer processes catalyzed by B(C 6 F 5 ) 3 where the driving force is the rearomatization of cyclohexa-1,4-dienes substituted with an electrofuge at either saturated carbon atom. [10] Theg eneral principle behind this strategy is that the boron Lewis acid abstracts ah ydride from the other saturated position to generate aWheland intermediate that eventually releases the electrofuge. [11] With alkenes as p-basic donor molecules, transfer hydrosilylation [12] and hydrogenation, [13] as well as the formal transfer of isobutane, [14] were realized. [15] As illustrated for the transfer hydrogenation, the hydrogen atom labeled in italic is transferred as ah ydride to the more substituted carbon atom, and the hydrogen atom labeled in bold assumes the role of the proton (Scheme 1, middle). Knowing that B(C 6 F 5 ) 3 is able to capture isocyanide from activated nitriles, [16] we anticipated that replacement of hydride by cyanide in cyclohexa-1,4-diene-based surrogates could lead to the related transfer hydrocyanation of alkenes (Scheme 1, gray box). We report here the development of such at ransition-metal-free transformation using readily availab...