Motivated by the algorithmic study of 3-dimensional manifolds, we explore the structural relationship between the JSJ decomposition of a given 3-manifold and its triangulations. Building on work of Bachman, Derby-Talbot and Sedgwick, we show that a "sufficiently complicated" JSJ decomposition of a 3-manifold enforces a "complicated structure" for all of its triangulations. More concretely, we show that, under certain conditions, the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of the graph that captures the incidences between the pieces of the JSJ decomposition of an irreducible, closed, orientable 3-manifold M yields a linear lower bound on its treewidth tw(M) (resp. pathwidth pw(M)), defined as the smallest treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of the dual graph of any triangulation of M.We present several applications of this result. We give the first example of an infinite family of bounded-treewidth 3-manifolds with unbounded pathwidth. We construct Haken 3-manifolds with arbitrarily large treewidth-previously the existence of such 3-manifolds was only known in the non-Haken case. We also show that the problem of providing a constant-factor approximation for the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of bounded-degree graphs efficiently reduces to computing a constant-factor approximation for the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of 3-manifolds.