The chromosomes of the weevil, Blosyrus japonicus Sharp, have been investigated in Hokkaido. A triploid parthenogenetic race (3x=33) was found in Ishiyama-rikkyo, Sapporo.The species is now known to have four parthenogenetic races, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, as well as a diploid bisexual race. All these races have been found in Japan. This represents the highest number of different polyploid races observed in any parthenogenetic weevil.Previously, I reported that Blosyrus japonicus Sharp had three parthenonogenetic races, tetraploid (4x = 44), pentaploid (5x = 55) and hexaploid (6x = 66-68), and further that the species had a diploid bisexual race (n =10 + Xyp in ', n =10 + XX in ) (Takenouchi 1975(Takenouchi , 1976. Both tetraploid and pentaploid races coexist at Bihoro Pass and the latter was also found in Jugoshima Park near Sapporo. A hexaploid race was also found in Oshidomari, Rishiri Island, and Misumai, Sapporo. A diploid bisexual race was found in Esashi, Wannai, Himenuma, Hakodate and Kojima.