. Can. J. Chem. 53,845 (1975). The mechanism of the C-21 hydroxylation of progesterone (la) by Aspergillus niger ATCC 9142 to give 11deoxycorticosterone (lb) has been studied by the use of progesterone derivatives and of C-21 deuterium labelled progesterones. The requirement of the C-21 hydroxylase system for a C-20 carbonyl group is demonstrated and the possiblity of the involvement of this group, in the C-20,21 enol form, in the C-21 hydroxylation reaction has been discussed. However, on the basis of the observed deuterium isotope effect (KHIKD = 1.25), a mechanism for the microbial C-21 hydroxylation reaction is proposed in which the rate-determining step is the direct insertion of oxygen into a C-21 carbon-hydrogen bond and not one involving enolization of the C-20 carbonyl.In addition, C-1 l a and C-15P hydroxylation of both 20a-and 20P-hydroxypregn-4-ene-3-one (2a and 2b) by A. niger has been observed.HERBERT L. HOLLAND et BARBARA J. AURET. Can. J. Chem. 53,845(1975).On a etudit le mtcanisme de l'hydroxylation (en position C-21) de la progesttrone ( l a ) par I'Aspergill~rs niger ATCC 9142 conduisant B la dtoxy-11 corticosttrone (lb); cette Ctude a t t t effectute i I'aide de dtrivts de la progesterone et de progesttrone marqute au deuterium en position C-21. On a dtmontre la ntcessitt d'un groupe carbonyle en C-20 pour rendre efficace le systkme d'hydroxylase en C-21; on discute aussi de la possibilitt de I'implication du groupement carbonyle en position 20 sous forme d'tnol C-20,21 lors d e la riaction d'hydroxylation en C-21. Toutefois, sur la base de I'observation d'un effet isotopique ( K H / K~ = 1.25), on propose un micanisme pour la rkaction d'hydroxylation microbiologique en C-21 dans lequel I'itape dtterminante est I'insertion directe de I'oxygene dans le lien carbone-hydrogene en C-21 et on suggtre que cette reaction n'implique pas une tnolisation du groupement carbonyle en position C-20.De plus I'Aspergillus niger provoque I'hydroxylation en C-1 l a et en C-15P des hydroxy-2Oaet -20P pregene-4 one-3 (2a et 2b).[ Traduit par lejournal] In spite of the wide application of microbial steroid hydroxylation in both industry and research (1) and a thorough investigation of related biochemical processes (2), comparatively little is known about the chemistry of this reaction.The proposal that microbial hydroxylation at saturated carbon proceeds by direct electrophilic insertion of oxygen into a C-H bond followed from the discovery of a relationship between microbial hydroxylation of steroids at C, and microbial epoxidation of steroids unsaturated at C,, demonstrating the electrophilic nature of microbial hydroxylation (3, 4) and the observation that microbial hydroxylation at saturated carbon proceeds with retention of configuration (5-7).The question of enzymic substrate activation has received little consideration. For hydroxylation at saturated carbon, chemical analogy suggests that activation is unnecessary : oxidation of steroids at saturated carbon has been achieved under electrophilic conditio...