Summary Tamoxifen injections were given once a week for 4 weeks to 19 rats bearing N-methyl-Nnitrosourea (NMU)-induced mammary carcinomas. NMR spectra were collected on days 2, 7, 14, 21 and 28. Only 42% of the tumours responded to the tamoxifen in that they regressed significantly; another 21% did not change in size and 37% grew significantly. In Steen, 1989). In studies performed on oestrogen-sensitive rat mammary tumours (Rodrigues et al., 1988) we have shown that ovariectomy induced a marked change in phosphate metabolite ratios (PCr/NTP, NTP/Pi, PCr/Pi) that could be detected at 48 h, well before any measurable regression or significant histological changes (Stubbs et al., 1990) had taken place. This raised the possibility that MRS (which is non-invasive and has no known harmful effects on patients) could be used to monitor response to endocrine therapy. Tumours that failed to respond could be treated immediately by another modality, instead of allowing several weeks or months for growth and dissemination to take place.In current medical practice the most commonly used agent in endocrine therapy of breast cancer is tamoxifen, an oestrogen antagonist. In the present paper we report studies on the use of MRS to monitor the response of NMU-induced oestrogen-sensitive rat mammary tumours to tamoxifen.
Materials and methods
Animals and tumoursOestrogen sensitive mammary tumours were induced in female virgin Ludwig/Wistar/Olac rats with N-methyl-Nnitrosourea (NMU) as detailed in Stubbs et al. (1990
NMR measurementsTumours were examined by NMR spectroscopy when their size was more than 1.5 cm3 (range 1.66-2.64 cm3). The animals were anaesthetised with pentobarbitone (30 mg kg-' i.p.) and placed within the 27 cm bore of 1.89Tesla Oxford Research System-TMR-32 200 instrument. Spectra were obtained at 32 MHz using a I or 1.4 cm diameter surface coil with a pulse width of 6 or 8 tLs respectively, a 3 s repetition time and 480 scans. Peak areas were calculated using the software package supplied with the instrument after profile correction to remove some of the broad signal. Due to difficulties in baseline definition and overlapping peaks these integrals may not give true chemical concentrations and for this reason the results are expressed as ratios of integrals which minimises some of the uncertainties. The reproducibility of the integrations was 100 ± 0.3% (10) (mean ± s.e.m.). PCr was not consistently present in this set of tumours and therefore the results reported are limited to the integral of the ,BNTP peak (which includes contributions mainly from ATP and GTP -see Stubbs et al., 1989) relative to the Pi integral i.e. PNTP/Pi with means ± s.e.m.
ResultsA total of 39 animals were used in this study. Twenty-five were treated with tamoxifen and 14 were used as controls; six of the animals died during the experiments due to the sensitivity of these animals to anaesthesia, and were not included in the results. The tumours were monitored both for volume changes (see Figure 1) and by 31P spectroscopy (see Figures ...