Let D be a division ring of fractions of a crossed product F [G, η, α] where F is a skew field and G is a group with Conradian left-order ≤. For D we introduce the notion of freeness with respect to ≤ and show that D is free in this sense if and only if D can canonically be embedded into the endomorphism ring of the right F -vector space F ((G)) of all formal power series in G over F with respect to ≤. From this we obtain that all division rings of fractions of F [G, η, α] which are free with respect to at least one Conradian left-order of G are isomorphic and that they are free with respect to any Conradian left-order of G. Moreover, F [G, η, α] possesses a division ring of fraction which is free in this sense if and only if the rational closure of F [G, η, α] in the endomorphism ring of the corresponding right F -vector space F ((G)) is a skew field.