The possible dynamics of the development of BREST-1200 fast reactor capacities after 2030 on the basis of plutonium and other actinides accumulated in the spent fuel of thermal reactors is examined. It is shown that by 2100 the power BREST reactors could be 114-176 GW, and subsequently they will develop as a result of their own breeding of plutonium. Calculations have shown that the rate at which BREST reactors are put into operation can be doubled by using enriched uranium obtained from natural uranium and regenerated spent fuel from thermal reactors. It is shown that the development of fast reactors with a closed fuel cycle solves the problem of transmutation of long-lived high-level actinides and makes it possible to implement a transmutation fuel cycle in nuclear power.The plan for developing nuclear power in Russia in the first half of the 21st century [1] proposes that thermal reactors based on existing stores of natural uranium be put into operation intensively. After 2030, fast reactors will be added; as they are developed they will accumulate in their own closed fuel cycle plutonium from spent nuclear fuel from global reactors and solve the problem of burning long-lived nuclides produced during nuclear power generation. The program in [2] presents a more accurate schedule, at the present stage, for adding nuclear power plants up to 2020. Using the ideology of [1] and the modern refinements in [2] as a basis, the present article examines scenarios of the development of nuclear power and the possibilities for transmutation of long-lived actinides within its framework.Development of Thermal Reactors. We shall examine scenario 1 for the development of thermal reactors, relying on the state of nuclear power today and the possibilities for developing nuclear power according to the plans in [2]. It was assumed in the computational simulation that reliably explored 615,000 metric tons of natural uranium will be available to nuclear power in the future, i.e., it is assumed that none of these reserves will be exported. Taking account of the fact that up to 2004 nuclear power already consumed approximately 75000 metric tons of natural uranium, the total reserves are taken to be 690,000 tons. In calculating the mass of enriched and waste uranium, it was assumed that the 235 U contnt in the waste is 0.1% (taking the future into account). VVÉR-1100 units with average burnup of the irradiated nuclear fuel 4% h.a. were taken as typical for nuclear power plants built after 2007. Increasing fuel burnup decreases the volume of spent fuel but does not make it possible to put additional thermal reactors into operation with a fixed store of natural uranium. Before 2020, thermal reactors will be constructed in accordance with the schedule adopted in [2], and after 2020 two thermal reactors will be built per year until there is enough natural uranium for their entire production lifetime, i.e., until 615,000 metric tons is exhausted by the end of the operation of the last unit put into operation.