This paper presents the analysis results of investigations on the deformations and velocities during the cold rolling of strips of aluminium alloys AW2024 and AW5083 obtained with an application of the finite-element method (FEM) and the conventional rolling theory. The results of the simulation obtained using the FEM software DEFORM-2D were analysed for the displacements, effective strain and velocity of rolling. The diagrams of the changes in these values along the deformation zone were presented together with the identified characteristics of the trajectories of the surface and axis as the boundary surfaces for simulating the cold rolling of the strips. The finite effective strains were compared with the degree of reduction of the strip thickness, and equations were derived for the dependence of their ratio on the starting thickness of a strip. The equations for the dependence of the velocity of a strip and the roll ratio on the degree of reduction due to the control of forward and backward slips were also derived. The reliability of the obtained results and derived equations was tested with experimental tests, theoretical relationships for plane strain and the results for the forward slip published in the literature. Keywords: cold rolling, FEM, displacements, effective strain, forward slip lanek predstavlja analizo rezultatov preiskav deformacije in hitrosti pri hladnem valjanju trakov aluminijevih zlitin AW2024 in AW5083, dobljenih z uporabo metode kon~nih elementov (FEM) in konvencionalne teorije valjanja. Analizirani so bili rezultati simulacije, dobljene s FEM programsko opremo DEFORM-2D, za raztezek, efektivno obremenitev in hitrost valjanja. Predstavljeni so diagrami sprememb teh vrednosti vzdol`deformacijske cone, skupaj z identifikacijo zna~ilnosti trajektorij povr{ine in osi, kot mejnih povr{in za simulacijo hladnega valjanja trakov. Kon~ne efektivne obremenitve so bile primerjane s stopnjo redukcije debeline trakov in razvite so bile ena~be za odvisnost njihovega razmerja od za~etne debeline traku. Razvite so tudi ena~be za odvisnost hitrosti traku in razmerja valjev na stopnjo redukcije zaradi kontrole prehitevanja in zaostajanja traku. Zanesljivost dobljenih rezultatov in razvitih ena~b je bila preizku{ena s preizkusom, s teoreti~nimi odvisnostmi za ravninsko napetost in za rezultate prehitevanja, objavljenega v literaturi. Klju~ne besede: hladno valjanje, FEM, raztezek, efektivna obremenitev, prednji zdrs