Tuberculosis (TB) is a deadly infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). No available vaccine is reliable and, although treatment exists, approximately 2 million people still die each year. The hallmark of TB infection is the granuloma, a self-organizing structure of immune cells forming in the lung and lymph nodes in response to bacterial invasion. Protective immune mechanisms play a role in granuloma formation and maintenance; these act over different time/length scales (e.g. molecular, cellular and tissue scales). The significance of specific immune factors in determining disease outcome is still poorly understood despite incredible efforts to establish several animal systems to track infection progression and granuloma formation.Mathematical and computational modeling approaches have recently been applied to address open questions regarding host-pathogen interaction dynamics, including the immune response to Mtb infection and TB granuloma formation. This provides a unique opportunity to identify factors that are crucial to a successful outcome of infection in humans. These modelling tools not only offer an additional avenue for exploring immune dynamics at multiple biological scales, but also complement and extend knowledge gained via experimental tools. We review recent modelling efforts in capturing the immune response to Mtb, emphasizing the importance of a multi-organ and multi-scale approach that has tuneable resolution. Together with experimentation, systems biology has begun to unravel key factors driving granuloma formation and protective immune response.Tuberculosis (TB) is a deadly infectious disease in humans caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)1. An estimated 2 billion people, or one-third of the world's population, are infected with Mtb, and approximately 2 million people died of TB in 2008. A unique feature of Mtb is its ability to persist in the infected host during a latent clinical state. About 90% of those infected with Mtb have asymptomatic, latent TB infection (sometimes called LTBI) with a 10% lifetime chance of progressing to TB disease (or active TB)1 , 2. If untreated, the death rate for active TB is more than 50%2. In addition, the presence of HIV/AIDS increases the risk of reactivation of latent TB by 10% per year. Antibiotics reduce the risk of reactivation, but do not lead to cure. A vaccine does exist (not used in the USA or UK) but the efficacy is variable at best3. Thus, there is a global urgency to understand this disease ranging from the epidemiology to genetic levels. This article briefly summarizes some of the successes that systems biology approaches, in particular mathematical and computational modelling, have had on exploring the within-host dynamics of this world-health problem.
IMMUNOBIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS OF TBWhen considering the dynamics of an infectious disease, there are many perspectives of interest, e.g. how it spreads through a population (epidemiology), the dynamics of the bacterial genetics in different portio...